A skilled workforce makes it easier to bring and keep great jobs in Decatur to benefit all citizens.
When more people want to buy your house, you get a higher price. We're bringing those people.
The best way to keep young people in our community is to make sure those who are here can make new friends, build dating relationships, and have fun together.
Businesses won't stay here if they don't have customers. Our class members support local - which means our businesses can stay here and grow.
Need the pothole on your street fixed? Want to make sure Decatur has access to a clean environment with recreational opportunities for every single person? City leaders say they need new revenue to make sure that happens. The Best and Brightest Initiative delivers it.
Our community's investment in this program is repaid when class members, who must live in the Decatur city limits to participate, pay taxes, purchase licenses, eat at our restaurants, and take part in other activities that return money directly to the city.
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The Best & Brightest Initiative
1629 4th Ave SE Decatur, AL 35601 US